2025 Volunteer Officer Installation
Published Feb. 10, 2025
Officers for NCK Medical Center Volunteers for 2025 were installed at their January meeting held in the conference rooms of the hospital. Pam Campbell, DVS conducted the installation ceremony around the theme of breakfast cereal.
Shirley Moynihan was installed as President. In order to keep members engaged and the meetings moving along, she may need a few tricks up her sleeve, so she received a box of “Trix.”
Marilyn Flesher is the new Vice President and she received a box of “Apple Jacks”. She has many responsibilities and can step in for the President any time, making her a “jack of all trades.”
Marie Cairns was installed as Secretary. Her job requires taking good notes to write minutes, plus writing thank-you notes. She deserves a “toast” for her quick work and she received a box of “Cinnamon Toast Crunch.”
Janet Istas was installed as Treasurer. Keeping track of all income and expenses, Janet makes sure there is enough “gold” in the accounts and she received a box of “Golden Grahams.”
All attending members were given a chocolate to remind them they are the sweet spot of the organization. The state logo and motto this year is “Be Someone’s Sunshine”.
Every year the Volunteers, formerly CCHC Auxiliary, raise funds to assist in purchasing needed equipment for the hospital. In 2024 they donated funds to purchase an ice machine for the kitchen and some therapy equipment for the rehab department. Other activities last year included scholarships for students entering a healthcare field of study, serving a meal for the community Red Cross Bloodmobile, Collective Goods sale, linen sale fundraiser, bake sale at Fall Fest, and breakfast at the Health Fair in October. The Gift Shop at the hospital is operated by the Volunteers. Located in the Main Hall of NCK Medical Center, the Gift Shop is managed by Janet Istas, and she encourages patients and visitors to come in and see what’s new.
NCK Medical Center Volunteers is open to all men and women who wish to support the hospital. Meetings are usually held at noon on the fourth Wednesday of the month. Membership dues are just $5 and may be given to any of the officers, or by calling the hospital at 243-1234.