Cloud County Health Center Auxiliary Receives Gold Awards
Published May 2, 2022
For the 34th consecutive year, Cloud County Health Center Auxiliary received the Hospital Volunteers of Kansas Gold Award of Excellence at the District 3 Spring meeting. The state organization has changed their official name from Hospital Auxiliaries of Kansas to Hospital Volunteers of Kansas (HVK). Due to the pandemic and unforeseen circumstances, CCHC Auxiliary received both the 2020 and the 2021 Gold Awards at their April meeting. Jean Buoy, HVK District Coordinator, presented the awards to those attending the monthly CCHC Auxiliary meeting.
Marilyn Flesher was recognized for ten years of service with the Auxiliary. She currently serves as Vice President.
The Gold Award of Excellence is earned by completing nine requirements during the year. These requirements involve a great deal of time, effort and hard work on the part of many members. CCHC Auxiliary members serve as volunteers when the Bloodmobile comes to Concordia, as well as providing and serving meals for some of the visits. The Auxiliary awarded two scholarships to students entering a healthcare field of study. The Auxiliary Gift Shop sells cards and gifts for many occasions and has recently added new spring and summer items.
Cloud County Health Center Auxiliary has hosted several fundraisers, including linen sales, Fall Fest bake sale, Holiday bake sale, and scrub sales. The Auxiliary sponsored a garage/yard sale over the weekend, which helped to prepare for the upcoming move to the new hospital facility on College Drive. Anyone interested in helping the Auxiliary may contact Shirley Moynihan, President, or any Auxiliary member.
Congratulations to all of the Cloud County Health Center Auxiliary members for achieving the prestigious Gold Award in 2020 and 2021!